Can I Get Liposuction for Lipedema?

Lipedema is a condition primarily affecting women in which painful fatty deposits build up on the legs or arms. Although it has no cure, symptoms can be managed through treatments like physical therapy, a balanced diet and in certain cases, plastic surgery. 

For some women, liposuction–a procedure more often associated with BODY CONTOURING  for cosmetic purposes–can help manage lipedema by removing excess fatty tissue, improving the appearance of the affected area and relieving pain. Here’s how it works.

Lipedema: More Than Weight Gain

Lipedema causes abnormal fat buildup, mainly in the legs and hips and almost exclusively in women. It’s different from typical weight gain or obesity in that the adipose tissue (AKA fat) accumulates disproportionately in the lower body, while the upper body remains unaffected. One unusual characteristic of lipedema is that the feet also remain unaffected at all stages.

Symptoms of lipedema

  • Edema (swelling), typically in the lower extremities
  • Pain and heaviness
  • Easy bruising on the affected areas
  • Non-pitting edema, in which pressing on the skin does not leave an indent
  • Limited mobility 

While some individuals with lipedema may also be overweight or obese, weight loss alone doesn’t typically alleviate the symptoms. This is because lipedema involves dysfunction of the lymphatic system, the network of vessels responsible for draining fluid waste from tissues throughout the body.

What causes lipedema?

The exact cause of lipedema remains unknown, but it’s believed to be a combination of genetic predisposition and hormonal factors. You may be more likely to develop it during times of significant hormonal shifts, such as puberty, pregnancy or menopause.

While there is currently no cure for lipedema, a multi-pronged approach involving conservative therapies and, in some cases, surgical treatment can effectively manage the condition and improve your quality of life.

Stages of Lipedema

Lipedema progresses through distinct stages, each characterized by worsening symptoms and physical changes. Early diagnosis and intervention are key for managing the condition effectively.

  • Stage 1 (Early Stage): During this stage, the primary symptom is a noticeable increase in fatty tissue accumulation, typically in the legs and hips. The swelling might be soft and slightly pitted, and you may experience mild pain or discomfort. However, overall mobility and function are usually unaffected.
  • Stage 2 (Intermediate Stage): As lipedema progresses, the swelling becomes more pronounced and firmer. The affected areas may develop a characteristic “cobblestone” appearance due to the formation of fatty nodules under the skin. Discomfort and pain can become more frequent, and difficulty with mobility may arise, especially when standing or walking for extended periods.
  • Stage 3 (Advanced Stage): In the advanced stage, the swelling becomes significant and the skin may appear thickened and hardened. The development of lipomas (fatty tumors) is not uncommon. Lipedema can significantly restrict mobility, causing pain and discomfort that interferes with daily activities.
  • Stage 4 (Lipo-lymphedema): This most advanced stage is characterized by a combination of lipedema and secondary lymphedema. Lymphedema occurs when the lymphatic system becomes overwhelmed and can no longer effectively drain fluid. This leads to severe swelling, discoloration and a significantly increased risk of skin infections.

Non-surgical Treatments for Lipedema

If you suspect you have lipedema, first, seek diagnosis from a qualified healthcare professional. Early diagnosis allows for a more effective treatment plan to be established, potentially slowing or even reversing the progression of the disease.

Treatment for lipedema typically involves a multi-pronged approach that combines conservative therapies with surgical intervention in some cases. The typical conservative treatment options include:

  • Gentle physical activity and exercise
  • Improved diet and nutrition
  • Compression garments 
  • Manual lymphatic drainage (in the case of lipo-lymphedema)

If these therapies prove ineffective, surgical intervention may be considered. Liposuction, specifically techniques like tumescent or water-assisted liposuction (WAL), can be a valuable tool in managing lipedema, particularly in the later stages. 

Liposuction for Lipedema: How it Works

Traditional liposuction techniques often involve general anesthesia and larger incisions. However, for lipedema, specific liposuction techniques like tumescent liposuction (TL) or water-assisted liposuction (WAL) are preferred.

Tumescent liposuction (TL)

This minimally invasive technique involves injecting a tumescent solution (a saline solution with lidocaine, a numbing agent, and epinephrine, a medication to constrict blood vessels) into the treatment area. The solution numbs the area, reduces bleeding and makes it easier to remove fat cells with a small cannula (thin tube).

Water-assisted liposuction (WAL)

This technique utilizes a pressurized water jet to gently dislodge and emulsify fat cells before suctioning them out. WAL is particularly effective for lipedema fat removal as it helps preserve healthy blood vessels and connective tissues.

What’s It Like to Get Liposuction for Lipedema?


The first step is a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. This is your opportunity to discuss your goals, concerns and the specifics of your condition. During this meeting, expect a thorough examination and a conversation about your medical history to ensure you’re a good candidate. Your surgeon will explain the process, answer your questions and set realistic expectations for the outcome. It’s important to feel comfortable and confident with your surgeon, so don’t hesitate to ask anything that comes to mind.


Once you and your surgeon have decided to proceed with liposuction, you’ll receive detailed instructions on how to prepare. This often includes guidelines on eating, drinking and medication adjustments. You may be advised to stop certain medications or supplements that can increase bleeding risk. Follow these instructions carefully to ensure your safety and the success of the procedure. Also, arranging for someone to drive you home and assist you for the first few days after surgery will be essential for a smooth recovery.


The liposuction procedure for lipedema may be performed under local anesthetic with sedation, or under general anesthesia, depending on the quantity of tissue being removed. 

Your surgeon will make SMALL INCISIONS  in the targeted areas and insert a thin tube called a cannula to break up and suction out the fatty tissue. The goal is to alleviate the discomfort and mobility issues associated with lipedema, rather than just cosmetic improvement. The surgical procedure’s duration can vary depending on the extent of the areas being treated, but typically takes 2–4 hours.


Recovery from a liposuction treatment can vary from person to person, but you’ll likely experience some swelling, bruising and discomfort initially. Your surgeon will provide you with a compression garment to wear, which helps reduce swelling and supports the healing tissues. It’s important to follow all post-operative instructions, including activity restrictions and attending follow-up appointments. 

Most people can return to work and light activities within a few days to a week, but full recovery and the final results can take a few months to emerge as the swelling subsides.

Remember, your journey to relief from lipedema symptoms through liposuction is a partnership with your plastic surgeon. Open communication and following professional advice are key to achieving the best possible outcome.

What’s the Difference Between Lipedema and Lymphedema?

Lipedema and lymphedema are two conditions with similar-sounding names and similar symptoms, but their causes and characteristics are quite different.

Whereas lipedema is caused by painful fat deposits, the swelling associated with lymphedema is caused by blockages in the lymphatic system. These blockages prevent the lymph fluid from draining well, and the fluid buildup in the lymphatic vessels leads to swelling. 

Lymphedema occurs in both genders and can affect any body part, including the arms, legs, face and abdomen. It can result from congenital issues (primary lymphedema) or after damage to the lymphatic system, such as surgery, radiation, infection or trauma (secondary lymphedema).

Swelling can be localized to one limb or part of the body, depending on where the lymphatic flow is obstructed–as opposed to lipedema, which is always bilateral. Skin changes, such as thickening and hardening (fibrosis), can occur in advanced stages.

Is Lipo for Lipedema Covered by Insurance?

Navigating the complexities of insurance coverage for medical procedures can often be challenging, and this is particularly true when it comes to liposuction for lipedema.

Coverage for lipedema surgery depends significantly on your insurance provider and your specific insurance plan. Some insurer companies may recognize liposuction as a necessary medical intervention for lipedema, while others may categorize it as a cosmetic procedure, which is typically not covered.

Proof of medical necessity

To increase the chances of coverage, your healthcare provider must demonstrate that liposuction is a medical necessity for your lipedema. This involves detailed documentation of your condition, your symptoms, how they affect your daily life and the ineffectiveness of other conservative treatments.


Often, for a chance at coverage, your surgeon will need to obtain pre-authorization from your insurance company before the procedure. This process involves submitting medical records, photographs, and a letter detailing why liposuction is medically necessary for your case.

Appeal process

If your initial claim is denied, there is usually an appeal process. This might involve providing additional information or clarification about your condition and the necessity of the procedure.

Out-of-pocket costs

Even if your insurance covers the procedure, be prepared for some out-of-pocket costs. These can include deductibles, co-pays and any non-covered services associated with the treatment.

Consultation with insurance

The best first step is to directly consult your insurance provider. Ask about your plan’s specific coverage for liposuction in the treatment of lipedema, including any necessary criteria for proving medical necessity.

Finding the Right Path Forward

Navigating a little-understood condition like lipedema might seem daunting at first, but you’re not alone in this journey. Lipedema is more than just weight gain; it’s a condition marked by painful excess fat in the legs and ARMS , which can significantly impact your quality of life. Understanding what lipedema is, from its early stages of noticeable fatty tissue accumulation to more advanced stages where mobility might become a challenge, is the first step toward managing this condition.

It’s encouraging to know that advanced surgical techniques such as tumescent liposuction and water-assisted liposuction are available as effective, safe lipedema treatments. These methods focus on removing the abnormal fat associated with lipedema, all while preserving the health of surrounding tissues.

Your journey from the initial consultation, through the preparation phase, to the recovery process emphasizes the value of a strong partnership with an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon. It’s about working together to find the best path forward to improve your quality of life. 

While lipedema presents its own set of challenges, understanding your condition, exploring all available treatment options and effectively communicating with your healthcare team are key steps towards managing your symptoms and enhancing your overall well-being.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.