

Latisse is an FDA approved medication that is designed to promote the growth of thicker, longer, and healthier eyelashes in 8-10 weeks. This is a clinically approved and generally safe medication that can cause noticeable cosmetic benefits for patients who qualify as good candidates.

How Does Latisse Work?

Latisse works by lengthening the period by which hair grows, along with the number of hairs that are produced. In this case, Latisse is not placed in the eye but is brushed along the lash line of the upper eyelid using the provided applicator. Then as you blink, the drug spreads to your lower lash line automatically.

Anticipated Results

Before and after – patient progression

You may start to see more length in as little as four weeks after beginning Latisse treatment, and you should achieve full growth in 16 weeks! It’s not an illusion of growth. It’s your own eyelashes — only fuller and darker.

before and after latisse

Before and after – patient progression

You can see the gradual transformation through week 16 in the photos below, and we’re happy to walk you through the stages of growth in greater detail during your consultation.

Before and Afters

before and after latisse before and after latisse

What to Know About Using Latisse

As with any medication, it’s important to understand how to use Latisse safely. Latisse works similarly to daily contacts where applicators should not be re-used to help prevent dry, irritated, and itchy eyes. It has been proven safe in clinical trials, but some patients with pre-existing conditions are unable to use it. If you have uveitis, eyelid dermatitis, ocular hypertension, or select other conditions, you may not be able to use Latisse. We always recommend that you talk with your Ophthalmologist before starting the medication.

If you are considering using Latisse, you should consult a dermatologist before use. Our highly experienced team can help you determine whether Latisse is right for you. Latisse is very safe for those who qualify for the treatment, and it is a prescription medication.

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